Friday, October 11, 2013

FFC19 - Theme Challenge...

Welcome back to yet another new Festive challenge! We are getting down to the final few challenges! Are you feeling super accomplished and relaxed about your holiday cards?

This week, it's time for another theme challenge!

And here are some of the fun projects from our design team!




When I picked this theme for one of our challenges, I knew right away who would make the perfect Guest Designer. So joining us for her second challenge with us is my friend, and whimsy-extraordinaire, Elena Roussakis from Just ME!

I drink lots of coffee. Lots. I’ve been happily married for nine years. I’m a 30-something mom of three kids under the age of seven. When I’m not playing dress-up or cooking or cleaning the same messes for the 26th time in the same day, I like to make pretty things.

And Elena's perfect card for this challenge:

Now that you've seen what we did with the challenge, it's your turn! Create any holiday themed project using the colours, and link us up below! You can combine our challenge with your other favourite challenges, and enter as many times as you like. This challenge will run until October 23, 2013 at 11:55PST. 


  1. Apologies in advance if my card does not qualify as whimsical...just let me know and I'll remove it to make room for those who know what they're doing!! ;) Thank you!

  2. I'll echo Sian's comment - if my card isn't up to snuff, let me know! Thanks so much!


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