Friday, March 22, 2013

Checking in...

Hello players! As you know, usually at this point in our challenges, we stop in with some shout outs and additional inspiration. We started this challenge a bit late this time around, and as you can imagine, my mother's passing has kept me quite busy this past week. So, we thought you might forgive us if we took this week off from shout outs and carried on with our usual schedule next week!

Here is this week's inspiration for you again:

Remember, you aren't obligated to actually use the word "Merry", we just want to see what the trigger word brings to mind for you, and how you interpret that creatively!

You can link up your projects in this post until Wednesday, March 27, at 11:59 PST!

We look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations!


  1. My post will be up on Saturday morning. This one took me a few tries! I had no idea that being Merry could be so difficult! lol!

  2. How fun!!! I will play for sure!!!


We love to hear from you!